He got the job

Created by Wendy 4 years ago

In 2018 Jon left full time education, he had always wanted to follow in his brothers footsteps into the Royal Navy but wasn't able to. So he applied foran apprenticeship with the civil service which would eventually let him work in the field in which he was most interested. He attended aptitude tests  and shortlisted for interview, he studied hard for that and made sure he had researched all he needed to. We travelled to Bristol where he was successful in getting one of the apprenticeships. It was great news, but for me, a little sad too, he would have to leave Home to strike out on his own at     only 18 years old. We went to find his new home, not the greatest, just a room in a house full of strangers, but it was the best we could find.

He settled into his new life, and aside from a wobble due to homesickness, enjoyed his new life with his new friends, he was even planning to rent a Flat with one of them. 

He did very well in his first year of studies, worried that he may not make it to the second phase but turns out he did, easily. I was told he was "an   above average student, with exemplary conduct and attitude to learning. Of course he was! He never knew this of course as he died 2 weeks before.  his interview and results. 

He succeeded in getting the job he wanted made new friends and enjoyed th final year of his life living his new adventure. 
